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Wildlife Habitat Seed Affidavit
I, the recipient of this wildlife habitat seed provided by Wildlife Mississippi, understand
that this seed must be used for food plots and is “NOT FOR SALE.” Also, I understand
that the seed received could be slightly below standard germination, if otherwise not
By accepting this seed, I also understand that it does not give any rights to the use of
the genetics contained within the seed or grain or any plant parts, pollen, or seed
produced therefrom for breeding, research or seed production or for any other purpose
whatsoever, other than use in wildlife plantings.
Any misuse of the seed may be subject to the client to legal action under U.S. Seed
Patent Laws and/or the Plant Variety Protection Act. As a recipient, I also acknowledge
to leave the crop standing for wildlife food.
By my checking below, I agree to the above terms to receive wildlife habitat seed from
Wildlife Mississippi.
Check I agree to the terms to process your order.