Wildlife Mississippi provides technical assistance to private landowners in several ways. We provide assistance on-the-ground through our staff biologists, who have expertise in bottomland hardwood and wetland restoration, longleaf pine establishment and management, native prairie establishment, food plot establishment, and invasive species control and management. We also provide assistance to landowners wishing to enhance habitat for white-tailed deer, waterfowl, northern bobwhite, wild turkey and others.

In addition, we specialize in the various financial assistance programs for habitat restoration and enhancement such as Wetlands Reserve Easements, the Conservation Reserve Program, the Healthy Forests Reserve Program, the Emergency Forest Restoration Program and the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program. We can also help you protect your land through a conservation easement.

Wildlife Mississippi also sponsors workshops and field days with landowners and others on topics such as conservation easements, invasive species control, fish and wildlife management, and conservation programs of the Farm Bill. And we have produced a series of Landowner Handbooks on conservation easements, longleaf pine and prairie restoration, and conservation programs of the Farm Bill.